Support for Leaders

We offer a range of services to enhance and strengthen your leadership. Helping you to inspire, build and nurture a contemporary workplace culture of enhanced compassion where everyone (including you) can thrive, achieve and stay well.

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Steven Hargreaves_Compassionate Leadership_Coaching_Support For Leaders.



A solution focused, goal directed, and highly personalised approach tailored to your specific needs, challenges, and ambitions, delivered as a partnership between you and Steve, our company founder and Executive Coach.




Our philosophy on coaching is simple, straightforward, rooted in positive psychology and focussed on your needs. We help you to unlock insight and self awareness to help you develop greater understanding and perspective of the challenges, opportunities and choices that are available to you and most importantly what you need to do to turn insight and learning into action and results.  

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Self compassion

Underpinning our coaching approach is a belief that your focus on performance and goal attainment should not be achieved at the detriment of you wellbeing. Self compassion is vital.  Helping you maintain balance between optimal performance and optimal personal wellbeing is a key focus of our coaching approach.

Steve is a gifted and inspirational coach. Having reached a crossroad, I began coaching sessions with Steve which quickly led to an epiphany in my thinking and outlook. Steve brings clarity and insight. He is highly skilled and understands how to support and challenge to affect change and growth. I found our sessions brought focus, structure and accountability to topics I had been grappling with for years”
— Joseph Emissah, Deputy Head Teacher, Bishop Road School, Bristol

Leadership Development

…introducing the 360° of compassionate leadership.

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Our approach

This is not a traditional ‘training’ programme or a programme about trying to be perfect, superhuman leaders by any means.  We recognise that leaders are like us all in that we are all doing our best with what we have. 

The compassionate leader is as flawed, as human, as anyone else, however, that knowledge and self awareness is what brings humility, self compassion, empathy and respect to the leader which in turn enables them to lead more effectively, more compassionately and with greater kindness. We know the powerful impact that can have on the leader and the rest of the organisation in terms of performance, engagement and wellbeing.


Programme Objectives

  • To develop and enable leaders to effectively work within and across the 360° of compassion.

  • To help leaders take a more relational approach to their leadership.

  • To enable leaders to achieve enhanced performance, engagement and wellbeing both personally and across the teams and organisations they lead.

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Photo by dylan_burrill/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by dylan_burrill/iStock / Getty Images

Benefits for leaders

  • Leaders will develop deep understanding of the theory, practice and supporting processes to enable a workplace climate of compassion (Individual, Team and System level) which elevates organisational performance.

  • Leaders will have the models, tools and approaches to build and sustain workplaces of compassion - with a particular focus on leading remote teams.

  • Leaders will have undertaken significant personal development enabling a more purposeful, compassionate, relational leadership style.

I can’t recommend this learning experience highly enough - Steve is totally inspirational and brings clarity and compassion to his work & to his teaching. I owe him huge gratitude for all his wisdom, support & kindness. Being a compassionate leader is for me essential. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
— Paul Bulos, 'The Complete Coach'

Benefits for organisations

  • Enhanced leadership capacity to build and sustain a workplace culture of compassion which delivers real business results and impact - performance, improvement, engagement and wellbeing

  • Effective, motivated leaders who can effectively do the ‘human work’ that is necessary for organisations to respond effectively to change, disruption and volatility 

  • Enhanced organisational ability to build a stronger emotional culture to enable people to belong, rather than to merely ‘fit in’ - improving levels of engagement, motivation, retention and satisfaction.

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Structure and delivery

  • The Programme is delivered over six months, in small, six person cohorts, through a careful blend of direct input, individual and group exercises, feedback, personal reflection, intensive one-to-one coaching, assignments and action learning sets. 

  • Additional subject matter experts will feature as part of the programme, providing direct teaching input and workshop facilitation. 

  • Throughout the programme the emphasis is on the practical application of the insight and learning to the participants own situation and workplace.  Unlimited phone and email support for each participant is available throughout the programme.

Compassion is the centre from which I choose to build by growing capacity as a leader, so having Steve’s guidance makes me feel incredibly fortunate. What others (including my own inner critic) have dismissed as weakness is instead becoming a strength for me, my teams, and my organisation. Pursuing compassion in leadership with the same fierceness with which others pursue success at any cost leads, I believe, to even better output. And thanks to Steve, I’ve been able to put that belief in to practice and have it pay dividends.
— Robin Browne, Youth Charity and Volunteering Specialist